Weather Report

Weather Report, the name of both an excellent band and an epic song, is also the latest feature on QINGDAO(nese). Get your climate call outs for today and a 9 day forecast right here every day.

Relevant Links:
Qingdao Weather on QINGDAO(nese)
Listen to Weather Report on Google Music
Fungus Shark Delivers Chinese Weather Report
Listen to Grateful Dead’s Weather Report on

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  1. Joz whatever

    The sun looks like a lemon cookie^_^Y

  2. yeah Joz!

    Also, the moon looks like a bowling ball.


  3. So that means everytime it’s sunny Joz will grab a cookie and everytime the moon is out Hek will hit the lanes! Glad we can affect your daily life in such a huge way haha.

  4. Joz whatever

    Then i’d become a fat chick…
    btw, how does the wind icon look like?

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