Self pick blueberries are available until July 20, 2011 at the Laoshan Blueberry Park (崂山蓝莓生态园) near Beizhai, Laoshan in the Bi Jia Village (Nanshan). Tickets are 125 yuan per mouth on weekends and 100 on weekdays (Mon-Fri). Children under 1 meter tall can enter the orchards for free. The park is north of Ocean University Laoshan campus off of the Binhai Motorway that leads to Beijiushui in Laoshan. From the Old Stone Man area, take Songling Lu straight north past Number 2 Middle School, continue to the Bi Jia Village Nanshan (毕家村南山). Call 8090.7227 or visit the blueberry park’s website for more info.

Laoshan Beizhai Bijiacun Map Blueberry Park

Relevant Links:
Laoshan Blueberry Park
Bi Jia Cun Nanshan on Google Maps

Photo Credit @ Arugula Files